Madagascar Intro Post

Madagascar, Africa's largest island, is located in the Indian Ocean having a population of over 27 million people. The toppgraphy of the land varies from elevated plateaus running centrally through the island, to coastal low-lands. These peaks range in height, with the highest being anywhere between 8,270-9,468 ft in altitude. Due to these differences in landscapes, the country expereinces multiple types of tempareatures and climates- with winters in the mountains getting to below freezing tempartures, while the coastal regions remain hot and sunny all year-round. 

Madagascar is most known for its wildlife, as its home to more than 100,000 native species of plants, 90% of which are found only in this country. The most notable and famous of these plants include the baobab tree, a bottle-neck shaped plant that are considered sacred to the country's people. Along with housing a wide array of plants, Madagascar is also home to 70 different species of lemurs, and an estimated 55 endangered endemic species of animals. 


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